Our Teachers

Teachers at Yoga Space Yorkshire

Kundalini yoga teacher at YogaSpace Yorkshire

Name: Emma Ropner

Classes: Kundalini Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Gong Baths, Women’s Circles at YSY, Yoga for Children, Yoga For Cancer, Yoga for Addictions, Yoga for Anxiety, Partner Yoga.

Emma is the founder and owner of YogaSpace Yorkshire. She is a KYTA  and Yoga Alliance Professionals certified yoga teacher. She has RYT qualifications in Kundalini yoga, Yoga Nidra, Yoga for Cancer, Yoga for Children, The Architecture of Posture, Altered States, the Breath, and  Sound Qualifications in Gong playing and Sound baths. She is the senior teacher at YogaSpace Yorkshire.

Emma writes

“I believe there is a connection between how we manage and move our bodies and how this helps manages our ‘minds’. My spiritual number is 5, the number of the teacher, and my life’s mission/purpose is to share the teachings of wellbeing practices like yoga, sound therapy, and the esoteric aspects of human life, with my students. I believe we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Our life’s work is to know and love ‘the self’ so that we can connect to that divine power residing within all of us. From this space,- we activate through yogas like Kundalini, all that connects us with the universal creative forces. These are the forces power life’s blessings.  I work with the subtle layers and powers within our human bodies; energy centers called the chakras. My passion is to help you awaken your personal power centers to stay physically strong, mentally resilient, and to remain, or grow, happy.”

Emma trained with KRI certified yoga schools in London and Portugal (Karam Kriya)  and with Julie Montagu’s London-based Whole Self Yoga School for Vinyasa Mandala Flow. She has trained extensively with Carolyn Cowan, trained with James Reeves at Triyoga, who teaches the acclaimed Yoga Nidra IRest method. She has trained with the Yoga for Cancer Specialist, Vicky Fox (Triyoga) to bring this therapeutic form of yoga to YogaSpace Yorkshire to support those in the area. She is a qualified children’s yoga teacher and trained with  StarChild Yoga, an Education for  Peace, certified by KYTA.

She learned her Gong craft from two gong master Gurus; Mehtab Benton from the USA who has taught all over the world. Emma continues to train with Sheila Whittaker who is the lead trainer at the College of Sound Healing. Emma has two gongs, Mercury and Chiron.

Emma holds residential retreats here at YogaSpace Yorkshire in collaboration with visiting guest teachers.

Emma is available for private lessons. Please ask.

Join the newsletter for updates about all these events to know more and join in. We are waiting to welcome you here.

Tel: 07833 231348
Email: emma@yogaspaceyorkshire.com – if you have any class queries

Testimonials for Emma’s classes

“From the first moment of entering the beautiful hall, I knew this studio is something special. A light spacious yet so cozy and calm yoga space is hard to find. Relaxation comes naturally and yoga is so much more enjoyable in these beautiful surroundings. Emma is am amazing kundalini yoga teacher and divine when playing the gong. Her classes are challenging yet respect individual circumstances and make you feel so much better instantly. She is very knowledgeable, connects theory and practice with ease, is full of energy and positive spirit and a joy to be taught by. I truly love my kundalini yoga and gong sessions with Emma”

“Emma’s Kundalini classes are ‘first-class, a relaxed and professional atmosphere. Emma is a fabulous teacher and really opens you to a new way of being while you show yourself self-love and care'”

Emma is a certified Kundalini Yoga, Yoga Nidra teacher and Gong practitioner and is the founder and owner of YogaSpace Yorkshire. She trained with KRI certified yoga schools in London and Portugal (Karam Kriya) and is a member of Yoga Alliance Professionals.  Emma has trained extensively with Carolyn Cowan (Kundalini Global) and blends this more therapeutic inclusive kundalini practice into her classes so that her students are provided with tools to regulate/have agency over their states of being often experienced as hopeless to change when accessible/doable yoga and the mat are the means by which we change how we feel.

Emma has also trained in Mandala Flow taught by Julie Montagu who runs The Whole Self Yoga School. She trained with James Reeves at Triyoga, who teaches the acclaimed Yoga Nidra IRest method. She trains extensively in London at a yoga studio with expert teachers and recently trained with Vicky Fox at Triyoga, to bring a therapeutic form of yoga, Yoga  For Cancer. She trained with Star  Yoga, an education for peace, and is qualified to teach children age 2-18 years.

She learned her Gong craft from two gongmaster Gurus; Mehtab Benton from the USA who has teaches all over the world, and continues to train with Sheila Whittaker who is the lead trainer at the College of Sound Healing. Emma offers the gong during the relaxation in her Kundalini yoga lessons, plays the gong as part of her yoga Nidra class and offers a dedicated gong bath experience class. Emma has two gongs, Chiron and Mercury.

Emma’s vision is to bring yoga and wellbeing into the heart of the Yorkshire countryside and make it available both to locals and to residential retreat visitors and anyone visiting this part of North Yorkshire who seeks a mid-week yoga practice.

Emma holds residential retreats here at YogaSpace Yorkshire in collaboration with visiting guest teachers.

Emma  is available for private lessons. Please ask.

Private Yoga, Yoga Nidra , Private gong yoga, private yoga for cancer class.

Join the newsletter for updates about all these events to know more and join in. We are waiting to welcome you here.

Email: emma@yogaspaceyorkshire.com

Text: 07833231348

Frayah joins YogaSpaceYorkshire to teach Hatha with Pranayama on Wednesday mornings at 9.15 am

Frayah writes
“I trained with the British Wheel of Yoga and teach Hatha yoga though have an interest in many different styles and so incorporate lots of other traditions into my classes. I am also a big believer in taking yoga off the mat and into your everyday life. I have always been interested in the philosophy and mysticism that surrounds the practice. Along with living in connection to nature and our authentic selves as best, we can.

Hatha translates from Sanskrit as ‘Ha’ meaning sun and ‘Tha’ meaning moon. It is all about balance, the balance of masculine and feminine, the balance of day and night, the balance of mind, body, and spirit. It is a wonderful practice for all levels, practicing the poses often in a staged approach so there will always be a level for everyone no matter what your experience so far of yoga.”

Alexandra Percival
Alexandra PercivalTai Chi Instructor, Pre-Natal Yoga, Post-Natal Yoga,
BHSc (Hons) MCSP, BSc (Hons) MSST Chartered Physiotherapist, HCPC Registered.

Hi I’m Alex a Chartered Physiotherapist with a specialist interest in Women’s health. I live in North Yorkshire with my husband and two beautiful children.

I have worked within the NHS and private sector since 2008 and in 2013 developed a passion for women’s health.

I am also a qualified pre and postnatal yoga instructor, teaching these wonderful classes on a weekly basis. I completed my training with Sally Parkes yoga. I love meeting and supporting so many women and their gorgeous bumps. I love to talk anything bump, birth, and baby.

I am a fully qualified hypnobirthing instructor, teaching the little birth company’s programme.

Tai chi is another passion of mine and I enjoy practicing Qi gong. This consists of Physiotherapy led adapted exercises that have been developed using the principles of Tai Chi and are based around Qi gong. My lessons at YSY have proved very popular.

In my spare time, I enjoy the outdoors and making lots of memories with my gorgeous family and friends.

I teach a classical hatha yoga style in the lineage of the Kaivalyadhama Institute, having qualified in this style and method with Maggie Levien, Head of Yoga International, Spain at her Spirit of Yoga ashram. Prior to becoming a yoga teacher and sound therapist, I was a school teacher for many years and initially came to yoga seeking a methodology to better manage stress and heal a number of physical injuries and ailments. Like many before me, I was astonished at the subtle power of the practice.
Each class is an hour and fifteen minutes and is structured as follows:
Welcome, settle and brief period of relaxation to settle in for the practice, usually involving some breathwork, followed by asana from the back, front, kneeling, seated and standing. Classes end with a period of relaxation which usually takes the form of a guided meditation but may involve learning and practising pranayama techniques.
My teaching style is warm, relaxed and nurturing. Demonstrations are used but kept to a minimum (this is your practice, not mine) and you will be guided verbally through the postures. Our goal is to use asana and pranayama as tools to help you develop your sense of balance – within and without.
I am also a qualified sound therapist, holding a Professional Diploma with Distinction in Group Sound Relaxation Therapy from the British Academy of Sound Therapy and hold regular soundbaths at Yogaspace.

Joanna Gibson
Joanna GibsonPilates
Joanna Gibson trained as a Pilates instructor at the prestigious Body Control Pilates centre in London. In addition to the Level 3 Mat certificate, Joanna is qualified to teach pregnant clients, people with osteoporosis, older clients and people who want to use Pilates to improve their sporting performance with a particular focus on Pilates for equestrians. She has also studied the original classical mat repertoire created by Joseph Pilates for the more advanced client.

Joanna varies her classes each week with different exercises and increases the challenge by incorporating pieces of equipment, including the small Pilates ball, toning circle, foam roller, weights and exercise band.

Every session focuses on moving individual joints and working muscle groups from head to toe so you’ll feel stronger, fitter and better about yourself. You’ll get the most from the class by understanding why and how we do certain exercises so Joanna will spend time helping you to improve your technique. If you don’t understand how to do a particular exercise, she will work with you to find out why or give alternatives.

The most important thing to Joanna is that you enjoy coming to her classes and that, one day, you’ll learn to love Pilates as much as she does.

Emma Robinson
Emma RobinsonJivamukti Yoga Instructor
I’m incredibly excited to be able to offer The Jivamukti method yoga practice to you all. Jivamukti yoga is a vinyasa practice which uses the conscious breath and the setting of a higher intention to help bring about an equanimity of the mind and the ability to embrace the authentic embodiment of the yoga practice. The Jivamukti practice includes the study and understanding of the ancient yogic teachings discussed in a modern context whilst exploring their relevance in the world today, call and response chanting, the physical asana practice and meditation.

The Jivamukti method is appropriate for all abilities with modifications offered to the student. Some knowledge of vinyasa yoga is helpful as this class is ‘voice-taught’ only, postures are rarely demonstrated.

The student is required to bring an open mind to the practice, as according to Patanjali, whatever is in your mind whilst you are performing an action will determine the result of that action.

If you are ready to develop a sound body & mind whilst exploring the path to enlightenment, then please book into The Jivamukti Method yoga practice.

JadeHatha/Vinyasa +Pilates
YogaSpace Yorkshire provides a wonderful environment for midweek ‘pick me up’. I will teach a grounding practice that focuses on calming the mind through pranayama (breathing techniques) as well as focusing on fluidity of movement to encourage freedom in the body.

Our practice will end with a heavenly savasana to allow body and mind to reap the rewards from pranayama and postures. All abilities are welcome to my class and I will offer adaptations of postures. I look forward to teaching in this beautiful space on Wednesdays. I will also be teaching on the rota for the Community Wellbeing Class

We are looking for lovely fully qualified local teachers to join our YogaSpace Yorkshire team.

We now have more studio time slots – if you study our timetable and see a time that suits you and your student group – join us!

YSY teachers also have the opportunity to hold weekend workshops and retreats here.

60-90 minute classes may also be available for the following non-yoga practices:

Zumba class, Ballroom Dance Class, Aerobics, Bums and Tums

We are open to inquiries from teachers who wish to teach in a dedicated wellbeing community.

Contact Emma: emma@yogaspaceyorkshire.com

Our Practitioners

Lulu Ferrand
Lulu FerrandCraniosacral Practitioner
We are lucky to have arranged for Lulu Ferrand RCST to be available on Saturday and Sunday. She is an experienced biodynamic craniosacral therapist and Chair of the Craniosacral Therapy Association of the UK. Her website is www.luluferrand.co.uk.

Cranlosacral Therapy is a gentle hands-on therapy that tunes into the nervous system and allows the body to release deeply held traumas, either emotional or physical. The body can feel ‘listened to’ and Lulu’s clients have reported very profound results.

This is in addition to what is included in your program. Sessions last for an hour and will cost £65. If you would like to book, please email me.


it’s easy to book one of our classes click the
button below to view our full class timetable

Book a Class

What do they say about Yogaspace Yorkshire?

From the first moment of entering the beautiful hall, I knew this studio is something special. A light spacious yet so cozy and calm yoga space is hard to find. Relaxation comes naturally and yoga is so much more enjoyable in these beautiful surroundings. Emma is am amazing kundalini yoga teacher and divine when playing the gong. Her classes are challenging yet respect individual circumstances and make you feel so much better instantly. She is very knowledgeable, connects theory and practice with ease, is full of energy and positive spirit and a joy to be taught by. I truly love my kundalini yoga and gong sessions with Emma


Emma’s Kundalini classes are ‘first-class, a relaxed and professional atmosphere. Emma is fabulous teacher and really opens you to a new way of being while you show yourself self-love and care’


To sum it up with one word: love. The best yoga retreat I have been to.
Amazing teacher, wonderful hosts, beautiful facilities, gorgeous surroundings, and delicious food.
Absolutely loved every bit of it


I want to do your yoga Nidra class again – I slept so well. Thank you.


The Women’s Group has been an amazing, welcoming, warm experience.
The positive energies and collective female wisdom has been brilliant – the thought provoking sessions followed by the yoga and final gong bath was the perfect balance – thank you Emma – and please can we do it all again!


I came on retreat and stayed at the cottages with my oldest daughter in June 2018 and January 2019.

Emma and Charlie are the perfect hosts they made us feel completely welcome in their beautiful home which sits in beautiful grounds surrounded by spectacular views of Yorkshire.

Emma & Beth

I have been to many different yoga retreats both in the UK and overseas and this one was by far the best.
My advice? Book it now!


Yoga at Patrick Brompton Hall is a very special experience.
The beautiful and peaceful yoga studio is the perfect setting for yoga practice.


I have taken part in several Kundalini yoga classes during retreats at Patrick Brompton Hall and have loved all of them.
I was a novice to this particular yoga but the classes catered for all abilities and I was immediately made to feel comfortable.
I couldn’t have asked for a better start to my Kundalini yoga journey and I can’t wait to go back again soon!
