The day may come, or has come already, when you wake up, stare back at the stranger in the mirror,  and ask the great existential question of yourself. Where are your life choices and actions taking both you personally, and your physical body? There’s a window of opportunity staring back at you in this very moment. Can you open yourself to possibilities, can you work with the magic of Intention + Posture + Breath?

We may stand there feeling powerless against the new existential forces of COVID19  that erode our sense of our self, but we Kundalini Warrior yogis and yoginis, know, that we can use the yoga mat to take a ‘stand’ and even more boldly, ‘change how we feel.’

I’ll ask you a question. ‘Can you give yourself permission to allow a 60-minute Kundalini Warrior Yoga class to show you how to  ‘take yourself on?’

It’s interesting that within weeks, this class has gained a loyal following. Its secret yoga power is that you work through the emotional issues that lodge as unwelcome guests in the navel, shoulders, pelvis, navel, and lungs. The navel point is the point of transformation. It holds the subconscious mind that needs constant ‘cleaning’ to release us from story and history.  The navel point keeps us ‘forward-facing’ for our lives.

It seems, this class has hit the spot many of you need right now to move our energy and change how we feel as we cruise these extraordinary ‘COVID’ times. Come to class and EXPECT to do planks, leg raisers, diagonal and straight cores, Breath of Fire. We will build energy, you will grow with regular practice your own personal strength and stamina.

We use the 60 minute Warrior class practice to enjoy immersion in our physical self; we DO have power over ourselves.   Buddha says, Do not look for a sanctuary in anyone but yourself.  Come as you are and reboot/rebuild yourself. There is only one you.

The Navel Point is the center from which we push and reach. It is the connecting point for all postures.The navel point is where we hold our subconscious mind/emotions.

Kundalini Warrior Yoga Class at YogaSpace Yorkshire

The class creates immense body Va VA vroom. We concentrate on the navel point, help it grow strong and pulse with power and strength helping us to project outwards with radiance, purpose and intentions. In Kundalini yoga we call the navel point the Nhabi – a point where all the energy channels meet and converge in the human body. It is the first center we must stimulate to raise our energy of consciousness. We must take control of these nerves to enjoy greater life force. Beneath the navel point is very special psychic power.

We can reclaim not only our youthful joy but our youthful innocence when we move/use our bodies so that energy flows freely through our opened channels. As our physical body develops, we start to have a better experience of life.

The added bonus at the end of your work, is a blissful gong relaxation.!
Join us on Tuesdays at 6:30 pm with Emma Ropner.

This class is not suitable for anyone pregnant, or who has recently given birth and has not been signed off by a doctor for physical navel exercise, or for anyone with diastasis recti where the stomach muscles have separated and need as a specific healing method.